Kicking Seasonal Depression to the Curb: Setting Good Fitness Values Throughout the Winter Season

By Katy Walker

With the colder months just around the corner, it is time to set good fitness values this winter season. Setting good values during the coldest part of the year will help increase your energy levels and fight the inevitable fight against seasonal depression. Seasonal depression symptoms include the feeling of sadness, lack of energy, loss of interest in daily activities, and weight gain. Individuals tend to miss out on social interactions, stay inside more, and feel emotionally drained due to the cold weather and lack of sunshine. This winter season, write down at least three values that you want to live by to achieve your fitness goals. An example of values you could implement is moderation, balance, and a healthy life.

This winter, get 30 minutes of daily cardiovascular exercise and two or more days of strength training targeting 8-10 muscle groups per week. Sticking to the daily standards of exercise will help increase energy levels and maintain well-being across the cold season. Remember, if you do not have the time to get a full workout in, split it up! Perform 10 minutes of exercise every hour if you can, whether it be a moderate jog between meetings or a few sets of sit-ups at your desk. In addition, make sure you set an alarm reminding you to get up and move, accomplishing and incorporating these daily tasks will give you more energy and improve your well-being.

Still not sure how to begin or maintain your wellness journey this winter? Begin by collecting your thoughts about what values you stand by and write them down on a piece of paper. Take your list and put them in a place you will see them daily. This can be on your desk, your refrigerator, or on your mirror. Keep these values up throughout the winter season to remind you how important it is to be consistent with your fitness routine to kick seasonal depression to the curb. Sticking to your goals this winter season does not need to be hard. Make it fun! Start a challenge with your friends and family to see who gets the most steps in a week or download a free fitness app to measure your progress and make a game out of it! There are plenty of ways to make fitness fun. I encourage you to stick to your values you have set for yourself and stay active this winter season. Last but not least, remember that there is a large community of wellness professionals all around you. Visit your local recreation or wellness center to get started and find a routine that works best for you!

Katy Walker, Fitness Supervisor, Township of Upper St. Clair, can be reached at or 412-221-1099 ext. 6190.