Focus on Wellness at Providence Point

At Providence Point, a team of wellness experts works tirelessly to support the overall wellness of all residents and staff. The Wellness Team is led by Fabiana Cheistwer, MS, CWWPM, CWP, and is committed to supporting, maintaining, and maximizing the individual wellness needs of each resident while considering their various stages of readiness to change, and their current health. Wellness at Providence Point focuses on six components: social, physical, intellectual, community, spiritual, and emotional.

Some of the wonderful programs offered by the Providence Point Wellness Department are yoga, water exercise, balance class, brain health class, cardio drumming, meditation, and many others. Members of classes are asked to evaluate the program through surveys and testing in order to measure their effectiveness. Participants in wellness programming typically report improvements in stamina, strength, balance, and sleep, as well as the ability to complete tasks of daily living and manage stress.

To learn more about Providence Point, call (412) 489-3550 or visit