Poor Dental Hygiene Can Result in Variety of Diseases

By Lois Thomson

Nobody likes to go to the dentist, but if you avoid it for too long, you may find you have more health problems than just a few cavities. Research has shown a number of health issues can be caused by poor oral hygiene, starting with bacteria that starts in the mouth and enters the bloodstream, which can lead to serious conditions.

Some of these include:

  • Cardiovascular disease

  • Alzheimer's

  • Periodontal disease

  • Diabetes

  • High-risk pregnancy

  • Cancer

  • Obesity

  • Obstructive sleep apnea

For example, in the case of cardiovascular disease, periodontal disease is directly linked to artery inflammation. Bacteria from the mouth enters the bloodstream, causing arteries to harden, which in turn increases a patient's risk for stroke or heart attack.

Or with Alzheimer's, bacteria leaving the mouth can travel to the brain, killing brain cells and leading to memory loss. Oral bacteria from poor dental hygiene have been linked to the development of Alzheimer's as well as dementia. Poor dental hygiene and its connections to a higher risk for respiratory issues can develop by bacteria in the mouth being inhaled into the lungs or traveling through the bloodstream. And so on.

The bottom line is that proper cleaning and regular dental checkups are a must for helping to lower your risk of more serious problems.